

About this category:

In the category of the buildingreports we want to present the Genesis of the "Kingdom of Madunia". Many images with comments and sometimes even with videos show you the progress in time - sometimes they are telling a short story too.

It would give us greate pleasure if we get comments and helpful suggestions to our buildingreports in our forum in the buildingreport-category. Also you can discuss the reports with our other visitors.

Have fun !

Buildingreport Number 34

Thursday, 2006-02-02 Integration der alten Hammerschmiede

Images 1 to 5:

There still no lamps arrived (we reported in the last buildingreport number 33), so that the rooms with the interior decoration could not be installed.

Instead of a small forecourt for the old hammer mill was built.

Images 6 to 10:

Again the stoneeaters prove their exactness: The old hammer mill was integrated into the outer wall fast and exactly.

Images 11 to 12:

The old hammer mill from the driveway ....

Images 13 to 14:

... and also the magic carpet was sent to the sky by the construction manager to get an overview from the building site. By the way: The construction manager never flows himself, because he is getting nauseous, airsickness and the whole breakfast would fallen off.

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