

About this category:

In the category of the buildingreports we want to present the Genesis of the "Kingdom of Madunia". Many images with comments and sometimes even with videos show you the progress in time - sometimes they are telling a short story too.

It would give us greate pleasure if we get comments and helpful suggestions to our buildingreports in our forum in the buildingreport-category. Also you can discuss the reports with our other visitors.

Have fun !

Buildingreport Number 27

Saturday, 2005-12-10 The first visitors of the xmas-market

Images 1 to 5:

A case for the scientist and wizards of Madunia: The fallen snow changed the color from wet-white to some yellowly - and than again back to white - strange.

Images 6 to 8:

And also the structure of the snowy surface become more crystalline and twinkles now.

Images 9 to 14:

Not only the three Magi arrived at the crib, also the first Maduns used the clear air as chance for a first visit and they stayed there until the evening hours.

Image 15:

During the first Maduns tryed to buying the booths empty within hours, so that the marketeers placed repeat orders in panic, the construction manager let plant some fir trees.

Images 16 to 18:

And than it began to snow again....

Images 19 to 20:

... at which the xmas-truck also got some snow.

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