

Madunish time

In Madunia the time runs faster as in our world - exactly in 15 minutes of our earth time in madunia one day flies. So every few minutes of earth-time in madunia the night befall and some minutes later the sun arise again - what in the siteheader can be followed :-)

But why this is so, also the scientists and magicians did actualy not known. Cleary is, that the following time calculation is valid:

Madunish time: Earth-time:
1 day 15 minutes
4 days 1 hour
96 days 1 day
365 days (1 year) 3,802 days
672 days (1,84 years) 1 week
2880 days (7,89 years) 30 days (1 month)
10 years 38,02 days
25 years 95,05 days
96 years 1 year (365 days)
100 years 1,04 years (380 days)
1 millennium 10,42 years (3802 days)

But anyhow after some madunish decades the scientists and the magicans in cooperation discovered that the guardians of the light started the genesis of madunia at the 11.7.2004 at 21 o'clock earth-time. That was the first "hour zero" of the actual madunish calculation of times.

Based on this actual is the (day, month and year) in the madunish calculation of times.

More results of the newest researchs from the royal scientists and magicancs will be published - if they will be discoverd at sometime.

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