

About this category:

In the category of the buildingreports we want to present the Genesis of the "Kingdom of Madunia". Many images with comments and sometimes even with videos show you the progress in time - sometimes they are telling a short story too.

It would give us greate pleasure if we get comments and helpful suggestions to our buildingreports in our forum in the buildingreport-category. Also you can discuss the reports with our other visitors.

Have fun !

Buildingreport Number 18

Sunday, 2005-09-18 New Record - first time that over 100 Lights are on and over one madunish Ampere is needed !

Images 1 to 3:

After the last buildingreport the new week began with a lot of work - the construction manager appeal for working overtime: Already in the last buildingreport an other unearthed house was on a picture. Here some more pfotos from the front and from the side view.

Images 4 to 7:

This old house was fragmented for the restauration and rennovation works - and after that "freshen up".

Images 8 to 10:

The interiorly rooms was completly renewed.

Images 11 to 16:

On the last photo you see the as far as possible finished house - ready for moving in.

Also the  "electro-runts" had a lot to do: Seventen (17 !) lamps was installed in this house...

Images 17 to 20:

... and with this during the ongoing work under the supervise of the construction manager a new record was reached: Altogether 108 lamps enlighten Madun-Castle together with all the included houses. On the last picture you see a general view - but you can not see all of the over 100 lamps, because some are masked through other houses, walls and towers. "It is inpossible to make a photo about everything", so an insider.

So the frontier of 100 lamps is crossed now. As a result also more power is needed: Now three cards - self developed but only as a workaround - are in use for supply the castle with enough power. The total power is now the first-time over 1 MA (the M stands for "madunish" and not for "milli" !).

The royal construction manager harangued to all workmens on sunday:

"We all have worked the last months and madunish years hard - but we are on time with the castle. The first 100 lamps should be reached in the 20 th buildingreport - there we are today. Because of this I am happy to announce, that the former monastery tavern will be the future "castle tavern" and every workmen will get one drink for free."

With this he ended all rumors and speculations. The speech was recorded with pleasures and after this the new tavern was attacked by the workmen. But there they got only water - all other drinks was not delivered, as the new recruited barkeeper shrugging manifested - a beggar who think something bad ;)

Image 21:

During the workmen got drunk at the waterparty - to have the hiccups, the construction manager got the even rennovated house as a special bonus for the speedy progress. No wonder, that the construction manager was dainty especially to the workmen as they was working on this house.

But not enough, on the next day he drove up with a virgin and very luxurious oldtimer. How can this be ? Have the construction manager an other directorship or consultancy contract somewhere else ? Or from where he got the car ? Did he not become even enough ? Are there an enmeshment ?

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