

About this category:

In the category of the buildingreports we want to present the Genesis of the "Kingdom of Madunia". Many images with comments and sometimes even with videos show you the progress in time - sometimes they are telling a short story too.

It would give us greate pleasure if we get comments and helpful suggestions to our buildingreports in our forum in the buildingreport-category. Also you can discuss the reports with our other visitors.

Have fun !

Buildingreport Number 2

from Saturday, 2005-04-02 Placed some cables and lights in the wall.

Images 1 to 9:

We have laid some cables in the wall and installed some lamps (of course LED's - we do not want to change them every week). Now the battlement with the stairway is illuminated... Great ?

Images 10 to 13:

Also an other piece of our wall - which have no stairway - was populated the same way...


Images 14 to 19:

And the entrance gate got some LEDs, too. Even in the steeple a LED throw light on the bell...

Images 20 to 26:

But that is nothing - the two walls and the entrance gate together looks ravishingly beautiful. What do you think ?

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